Where do I start?!?! Since the last time I blogged a lot has happened....
The last few weeks of my pregnancy seem like a blurr, but I am pretty sure they were pleasant :) Drew and I went for my 37 week check up on Thursday, June 10, 2010. Everything started off normal, we waited in the waiting room for 25 minutes, then the nurse took my blood pressure and checked my weight (not fun!). My blood pressure was abnormally high as was my weight (haha). Drew and I went back to the violation of privacy room and the doctor came in and checked me. I was only dialated to 1 cm. The doctor was worried about the fact that my feet looked like a sumo wrestlers so she went ahead and rechecked my bp and it was super high. So the doc said "ok what we are going to do is send you over to the hospital and we are going to have a baby today!" Drew's exact words were "Oh no, we are not ready!" It was hilarious to say the least. I was so hungry and all I had for breakfast was 2 stinkin waffles, so we went to Jamba Juice before we went over to the hospital. We got checked in and then went back to get all set up to be induced. Finally around 11:30am I was on Pitocin and the contractions were coming. Drew had to run home and get our bag for the hospital, since we weren't planning on having a baby that day we did not bring one single item we needed except for Journey :) Ok, so to make a long story short.....22 hours of labor later, Journey arrived 3 weeks early on June 11, 2010 at 9:24am. She was 6 lbs 9 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. She is just perfect and we are adapting to parenthood very well, especially if you consider dark circles and hallucinations normal then we are doing just fine! Both our families have been very helpful and Journey is so lucky to have them in her life. My mom stayed 2 nights with us and it was a good thing because Drew and I were pretty much clueless but I think we have it down now....Feed the baby, burp the baby, change the baby, repeat! We are so blessed to have Journey in our lives and can't wait to share all the amazing moments with you all.
For everyone in the OKC area, Drew, Journey and I will be in Midwest City at my parents house Wednesday June 23, 2010. You are all invited to a "Snack and See" from 6pm-whenever everyone leaves to meet Miss Journey Rose Joseph!
Can't wait to see everyone and introduce the new member of our family!
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