
Captain America...

So I need some creative and cool ideas for my classroom! Our school wide theme is "Hollywood". Our fifth grade theme is "Beyond Marvel" with the Marvel comic characters. My classroom is CAPTAIN AMERICA. Super cute, isn't it! I need some ideas for a word wall, my door, reading center, etc... Any ideas you have send my way :)


1 year already...WOW!

Hi Everyone! Hope you all are doing great :) I figured since I haven't updated this in many many months, I would fill you all in on what has been going on in our world lately! Well, I can't remember if I blogged about moving, but nevertheless we moved in August of last year to Edmond, and we are so glad to be back in civilization! Drew is busy as ever with work and training, I am OFF FOR THE SUMMER and loving it! I graduated in May with my 2nd Bachelors in Elementary Education and I will be teaching 5th grade at Angie Debo in Edmond...I still can't believe I have my very own classroom, any donations are always welcomed and appreciated! I actually met with my team of 5th grade teachers today to plan for the upcoming year, and I am so excited to be working with such amazing women. Most of you reading this are saying....ok ok that's great but what about JOURNEY! Yeah, yeah I am getting to her :) Drew and I are still house hunting, it is extremely difficult to find a house we both love...but I am sure there is one out there, and if there isn't, he will just have to compromise...I mean WE...haha! Ok, so Miss Priss, well what can I say other than that she is a HANDFUL! She starting really walking this week and I couldn't get her to crawl if I put her favorite snack (goldfish) on the floor! She loves Elmo, her blankie, and Hagan (our german shepherd). He is fond of her too, when she isn't pulling his tail or shoving a popsicle stick up his nose...yes she does this! She likes to throw everything out of the basket at the store and laugh hysterically, or she wants to walk next to the basket instead (that's real fun). She is becoming very independent, which breaks my heart because I feel like she doesn't need me...I know she is only "almost" 1, but she is GROWING UP! Her favorite thing this week is to crawl in and out of her little rocking chair...which was my grandfathers rocking chair when he was little! I would be willing to bet she climbs in and out of it at least 40 times per day...I get tired just watching her! I try all day long to get her to play with her cool toys, but she prefers to pull every plasticware item out of the kitchen cabinets or carry around a sock...I mean really, why even have toys!!! I am going to get rich by marketing wooden spoons in the toy aisle! What else....Oh yeah, Journey will be 1 on Saturday, I can not believe it has been a year, I look at her and she looks so big! We are having a Princess Pool Party at Gigi and Gramps house. It should be a blast. Well I think that about covers how the Joseph Family is doing. We love you all, and hope to see everyone soon!