
Our 3rd Ultrasound!

Okay, so I need to get everyone caught up to speed! If you didn't know already, I AM PREGNANT! Which for some of you the title makes sense now! The video below is of our 3rd ultrasound. You can kind of see the arms and legs, you can really see the head (its the big round thing), just use your imagination! Drew and I are soooooooo excited! The grandparents are super excited too! When we first told my family, I swear my dad called me 50 times a day for at least 6 weeks...he was very happy to say the least! I am planning on posting weekly updates on how the pregnancy is going, so I can keep everyone informed since we live in the middle of nowhere! This Thursday we get to find out what the gender of the baby is, mainly so we can start buying stuff!! Right?! The ultrasound below had all signs pointing to girl, so we will find out a little more accurately this week. Other than that, I am getting fatter and fatter by the second, and the strange thing is....my stomach is not growing its my butt! We love you all, and we hope this will serve as a way for our friends and family to share in our adventures!